Water Your Lawn

Here in Thornton, Westminster, and Broomfield we have had a very dry winter.  The mountains have recieved huge amounts of snow fall, but we are over 30 inches below our normal snow fall amounts here in the Denver metro area and front range of Colorado.  We now find ourselves halfway through our “normally” snowiest month with nothing to speak of yet.

My Point to this is that I would recommend soaking your lawn, trees and outdoor plants with the hose this weekend.  It’s still too early to turn on your sprinler system, but do it the old fashioned way……with a garden hose.  You may have some damage to your lawn by mites if you don’t get some water on it soon.  That also reminds me, don’t pay anyone to put chemicals on your lawn to get rid of mites.  Mites don’t like water, so all you have to do is water your grass and they will go away.  You may already have some damage, but acting now will minimize it.

So go ahead don’t wait until it’s too late, get the hose out and soak your lawn.  You’re grass will thank you!

Les Cowan

Happy Roots

  • “Great service! Always prompt and effective communication. Would highly recommend!”

    Ryan K.
    Brighton, CO 80601
  • “Happy Roots provided excellent service! …. They have wonderful and friendly staff who are prompt with returning emails and phone calls. They also have very affordable service. We couldn’t be happier!”

    Heather P.
    Thornton, CO 80241
  • “I have been part of the Happy Roots family since 2004… I moved away for a few years and I missed being part of Happy Roots. However, I am back in the fold and my lawn is the best-looking on my street!!… The BEST lawn care company in Colorado!!

    Jenn O.
    Erie, CO 80516
  • “I have been part of the Happy Roots family since 2004… I moved away for a few years and I missed being part of Happy Roots. However, I am back in the fold and my lawn is the best-looking on my street!!… The BEST lawn care company in Colorado!!

    Jenn O.
    Erie, CO 80516
  • “Happy Roots provided excellent service! …. They have wonderful and friendly staff who are prompt with returning emails and phone calls. They also have very affordable service. We couldn’t be happier!”

    Heather P.
    Thornton, CO 80241
  • “I’ve been working with Happy Roots for over a decade and throughout that time their care of my lawn/yard and overall customer service has been outstanding. Highly, highly recommended!”

    Beau F.
    Thornton, CO 80602
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