The Benefits of Aeration

We do not offer one time aerations.  Spring and fall aerations are included with all of our fertilizer plans.

Benefits of Aeration:Aearation1

–  Pulling plugs from your lawn allows air, nutrients, water, and soil amendments to penetrate deeper into your soil and the root system of your turf.

–  Aerating your lawn relieves compaction of your soil.  Compaction of soil is caused by pets, kids playing in the yard, snow, mowing, sports, etc.  Any traffic, weight or even water will cause compaction.  Our Denver Metro area has a lot of clay soil.  Clay soil becomes very hard when compacted because of its small particle size.  When the soil is compacted it does not absorb water, air or fertilizer very well, most of it runs off.  This is why it is important to aerate, and use soil amendments like compost, peet moss, organics, and our EZ Wet – Wetting Agent.  EZ-Wet will assist water, nutrients from fertilizer, and even fungicides deeper into your soil.

–  Your lawn aeration will break through and reduce the layer of thatch that can build up in your yard.  Note:  Power raking is not recommended on most types of lawns in the Front Range area to help with thatch reduction.  A regular aeration schedule and proper cultural practices such as watering and mowing correctly are the best defense against thatch.

–  When you aerate your lawn it assists fertilizer penetration deeper into the root zone where your grass needs it.

–  Aeration creates pores that will hold a lot more water allowing less runoff, again getting your water where the grass needs it most – to the roots.

–  Aerating improves your lawns soil profile by distributing soil and organic matter over the top of your grass and then breaking it down through watering and mowing.

–  Core aeration encourages root penetration, resulting in a thicker, greener and more drought resistant lawn.  Lawns with deep root zones can fight off drought and disease much easier than lawns with shallow root zones or with surface roots (Thatch) which are a result of over watering.  Note that an aeration will only help encourage root penetration if the lawn is watered, fertilized, and mowed properly.  All of these lawn care practices work together.

–  “Yes” – Leave the plugs on the lawn if you can put up with them for about a week or two.  The plugs act as a top dressing that will encourage micro-organism activity that breaks down the layer of thatch and improve soil quality and profile.  Otherwise, you can rake the plugs up and use them to fill in low spots in your grass, or use the soil in other landscape projects.  The other option is to mow them up, but don’t forget to have the blades on your mower sharpened when you’re done.

Questions? E-mail us –

  • “Our lawn has never looked better!!! We’ve tried all the big national lawn care sites and no one compares to Happy Roots… They can put together a package that fits both your yard needs and your budget. None of the other companies I’ve come across will do that…”

    John M.
  • “Great experience, staff was always professional and the quality of care of the lawn was exceptional.”

    Kris D.
    Thornton, CO 80233
  • “Happy Roots provided excellent service! …. They have wonderful and friendly staff who are prompt with returning emails and phone calls. They also have very affordable service. We couldn’t be happier!”

    Heather P.
    Thornton, CO 80241
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