Water Your Lawn

Here in Thornton, Westminster, and Broomfield we have had a very dry winter.  The mountains have recieved huge amounts of snow fall, but we are over 30 inches below our normal snow fall amounts here in the Denver metro area and front range of Colorado.  We now find ourselves halfway through our “normally” snowiest month […]

Lawn Care Basics

I was talking to one of my long time mowing customers tonight about his watering practices in his lawn area, that conversation made me think of some information that I wanted to pass on to you, to help you get the most out of your lawn and the services we provide for you.  I wanted […]

Winter Watering

Winter Watering  We have had a very cold winter, but not much moisture.  I know the snow was on the ground for a long time in the shady areas and some of you may still have snow on the north side of your house, but overall it has not been a very wet winter.  When […]

  • “…THANKS for being clear and up front with pricing, having payment options and wonderful, courteous service.”

    Donna B.
    Thornton, CO 80241
  • “Happy Roots is the best company I have worked with in a long time. They are truly a service company and know how to treat their customers… I always know when they are coming, what they are doing and the cost associated with their service. They are always on time & deliver excellent quality. I highly recommend the company.”

    Randy K.
    Westminster, CO 80031
  • “I have used Happy Roots for four years… Their service is second to none and they deliver on their commitments consistently every time. Their communication is proactive, informational, and valuable… I have nothing but high praise for them…”

    Mike O.
    Thornton, CO 80602
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