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  • ‘My lawn looked twice as good this summer since I had Happy Roots apply fertilizer, weed killer, and aeration. I didn’t have to pull weeds for the first time in my life!”

    Seth P.
    Erie, CO 80516
  • “We love the wide variety of options they have for lawn care and their prompt service…. the staff are easy to work with and very knowledgeable. Les has helped us take our lawn from weed-filled and brown to healthy and green… I would recommend Happy Roots to anyone who needs lawn care service…”

    Anne H.
    Thornton, CO 80233
  • These guys are the best!  It addition to their A+ service, they also have a strong management team that is in constant communication with their customers. This includes not only scheduling but also helpful reminders such as how to drain your irrigation system when a freeze is coming.”

    Todd D.
    Broomfield, CO 80023
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