Another Dry Winter – Tough on Lawns!

Who remembers last years Mite issue in lawns? The yard pictured above had mite damage! This is caused by dry winters, and early springs.  Mites thrive in hot and dry conditions, so lawns that are on the warmer, and dryer side of your property are more susceptible.  These are typically the south facing lawns, especially […]

  • “…I was afraid I was about to lose both front and backyard lawns, but after just 3 applications (I opted for the Gold service), my lawn is heading into winter looking great!…”

    Heidi W.
    Thornton, CO 80229
  • These guys are the best!  It addition to their A+ service, they also have a strong management team that is in constant communication with their customers. This includes not only scheduling but also helpful reminders such as how to drain your irrigation system when a freeze is coming.”

    Todd D.
    Broomfield, CO 80023
  • ‘My lawn looked twice as good this summer since I had Happy Roots apply fertilizer, weed killer, and aeration. I didn’t have to pull weeds for the first time in my life!”

    Seth P.
    Erie, CO 80516
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