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  • “Thanks to Happy Roots, we had one of the best looking yards on the block! I have used several other companies before, and none can compare to Happy Roots!…”

    Jennifer P.
    Broomfield, CO 80020
  • “I have been part of the Happy Roots family since 2004… I moved away for a few years and I missed being part of Happy Roots. However, I am back in the fold and my lawn is the best-looking on my street!!… The BEST lawn care company in Colorado!!

    Jenn O.
    Erie, CO 80516
  • ‘My lawn looked twice as good this summer since I had Happy Roots apply fertilizer, weed killer, and aeration. I didn’t have to pull weeds for the first time in my life!”

    Seth P.
    Erie, CO 80516
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