Silver Fertilizer Program

The "Silver Plan" is a great premium choice.  It has the same services and products that the Gold plan, except the frequency of applications is trimmed a little.  This plan is designed as a great option for the homeowner who wants our Gold plan, but has to tighten the budget a little.

The Silver Plan Includes:

  1. Five* seasonal applications of Fertilizer.  All applications will include a seasonal blend of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Iron.
  2. Five* seasonal applications of Weed Control for your lawn.  This is applied at the same time as fertilizer.
  3. Spring and fall Aerations.
  4. Two* spring applications of Pre-emergent for Crabgrass and annual weed seed control.
  5. Three EZ Wet (Revive) applications with your summer fertilizer applications.  This helps the fertilizer and water you put on your lawn go deeper into the soil and root zone and has proven to be very effective  over the years we have applied it.  This wetting agent helps you get the most use out of the water you put down, and really helps you keep that edge in the hot and dry seasons.
  6. Fall Over Seeding.  Even if you don’t have a “Thin” yard, over seeding in the fall will give you the best opportunity keep the grass you “want” in your lawn and keep it thick.

Keep Control of the Weeds!

You have the option to add Weed Control in your Rock/Mulch Beds and Hard Surfaces to any of our fertilizer and lawn care plans.  If you choose to add weed control to your rock/mulch beds and hard surfaces you will receive 7 applications of non-selective weed control in your rock/mulch beds and hard surfaces from March- September.  There are additional fees to spray weeds.

Other Lawn Issues

Other issues may arise with your lawn as the growing season goes on that require other applications as needed.  Issues with fungus, insects, heat and drought** are the most common.  Along with your help, Happy Roots will help monitor the condition of your lawn and landscape for problems.  If problems arise, Happy Roots will come out to your house at your request, or our suggestion, and check the problem.  Then Happy Roots will offer a suggestions or solution to the problem for a plan of action.  At this time, we may need to add fungicide, insecticide or other products or services to your plan to take care of the issue.  Any additions to your plan will be discussed, and agreed upon with you prior to adding services or products to your plan.


*The number of applications stated assumes that services for the plan chosen are initiated by March 1st.  If the client initiates services after March 1st, the plan applications and frequency will be adjusted to the start time of services with Happy Roots.

**Although these lawn care and fertilizer plans are designed to give you a beautiful, lush, green lawn, the results will greatly depend on proper irrigation or watering.  For more information on proper irrigation and watering practices, please ask when ordering.



  • Can’t say enough about these guys! We had used other lawn services the previous two years we’ve been in our home. Les and his team is what we’ve been looking for….local, know their business and deliver excellent service from the front desk to the techs!

    Jeff D.
    Brighton, CO 80601
  • “…THANKS for being clear and up front with pricing, having payment options and wonderful, courteous service.”

    Donna B.
    Thornton, CO 80241
  • “Great experience, staff was always professional and the quality of care of the lawn was exceptional.”

    Kris D.
    Thornton, CO 80233
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