EZ – Wet, Wetting Agent – A granular aeration

EZ Wet is a wetting agent similar to “Revive”.  The difference is that EZ Wet does not have the organic fertilizer that Revive has, but EZ Wet does have a higher percentage of the wetting agent, which is the active ingredient.  EZ Wet changes the properties of water, it makes it wetter and run deeper into the soil.  This is what we offer as a granular aerationAlthough a granular aeration should never take the place of a core aeration.  If you have to choose between an EZ Wet application or a core aeration, I would always recommend the core aeration in the spring and fall, then a couple of EZ Wet applications in the summer.

We offer EZ Wet with our fertilizer applications and have had great results when we apply EZ wet with every fertilizer application.  EZ Wet helps fertilizer become more effective by allowing the fertilizer to penetrate deeper into the soil and root zone, where the grass needs it. As a result, the roots drive down deeper, which helps the lawn get through the hot summer days.

EZ wet will help you get the most out of the water you put down by making it run deeper into the soil with less run-off.  If your lawn is sloped, the run-off will be reduced.  Puddling and ponding due to compacted soils will also be reduced.

EZ Wet - How it works

  • “Les and his team have this lawn care thing down to a science. my lawn looks awesome and although I was hesitant to sign up for their weekly mowing, it’s 100 some degrees out here and these guys knocked out a mow in 15 minutes, what would take over an hour by myself.”

    Matt H.
    Westminster, CO 80234
  • “…THANKS for being clear and up front with pricing, having payment options and wonderful, courteous service.”

    Donna B.
    Thornton, CO 80241
  • “I’ve been working with Happy Roots for over a decade and throughout that time their care of my lawn/yard and overall customer service has been outstanding. Highly, highly recommended!”

    Beau F.
    Thornton, CO 80602
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